When my school sent out the email saying we had to leave campus, I panicked. In my head, I could already hear my siblings running around the house arguing over who’s tablet volume was too loud. I wanted more than anything to stay in my safe haven: my dorm. Matters were made worse when I found out they had also closed the elementary schools.
Jessica, my twelve year old sister, is autistic. She has trouble with her speech and is smaller than most kids her age. It's always been a worry of mine that she will be pushed around due to the fact that she can't really speak up for, or explain herself very well.
This is why I was so taken back when I got home to find that in the time that had passed since I went off to college, Jessica was not only much taller, but was actually talking back and throwing shade.

I was so used to her walking away when she was upset. Now though? Every 'no' was met with a justification as to why your answer should be a 'yes'. I find it so funny when I see her standing up to our younger sister but mostly, I’m proud.
She’s come a long way and although this pandemic has forced us all to stay home, I’m grateful for the time I’ve been given to watch every new inch that adds to her height and even more grateful to be at the receiving end of every new sassy word.
~~ Vanessa Bedford, SUNY Binghamton, New York City