Interested in creating Gator graphics for the website? Email us at gatorquadsubmissions@gmail.com!
Use this link to submit your story and photos, or your little video. Just keep it in good taste.
Email: gatorquadsubmissions@gmail.com
Gators everywhere, now that you have some time to spare, and all that good liberal arts creativity running through your head, take up this invitation to share your stories of Gator Life, before or during the quarantine.
Feel free to tell us something funny, reflective, or inspirational from your own interactions or experiences at Allegheny College.
Or, interview another Gator for their story.
Got a funny video that would make us laugh? Send it along.
Do you have a story worth telling from your COVID Quarantine? Let's have it.
Let's use this Gator Quad Blog and @GatorQuad to connect with each other Tale to Tale.