This pandemic has drastically shifted our lives in unimaginable ways. Although I’m happy to be on campus, I was a little hesitant in the beginning to come back. One important thing that I’ve learned and come to realize is that everyone is going through their own set of challenges. Being in such an unpredictable moment in time, putting ourselves first and taking time to make sure that we are well--emotionally, physically, and mentally--is a priority now more than ever.
A couple of things that I like to remind myself of when I'm feeling discouraged or frustrated is that we are all trying to navigate this global pandemic and crazy year. Taking a breath seems simple, but I know I personally struggle with this as I’m always on the go and occupied with lists of things to do. Slowing down and reflecting on my goals for the day helps me manage and prioritize my time. Incorporating self-care practices often help me with “slowing” down and relaxing. Lastly, focusing on the good reaffirms that we all have a purpose and deserve to be fulfilled by rich experiences and positive energies every day.
Academically, I’ve had a relatively smooth experience with the hybrid model of attending in-person and remote classes. This is in part to the dedicated professors who have had to shift gears into a new way of teaching. I have the utmost respect for them. Without their swift adaptation, learning remotely or in-person would be extremely difficult. One of the highlights that I’ve had this semester is the accessibility of my professors. I’ve been able to navigate through new systems such as Canvas with the support and guidance of the amazing faculty. Zoom office hours have also helped me connect with my professors not only on an academic level but a personal one. These connections are truly one of a kind and have highly influenced my decision to come back on campus in the spring.
~~ Skaina Pierre, Class of '23
Take a deep breath and think about the crazy mess of a year this has been. Click on the button and please donate to help students through their challenges so they have less to worry about.