I am a millennial, so in many ways, Disney raised me. A classic Disney movie and the all-time leading Disney Princess is Cinderella. Setting aside the problematic patriarchal categories and traditionalist forms of gender heteronormativity in Disney’s version of this timeless story, the film introduced me to the idea of the proverbial “perfect fit.” For Cinderella, this notion of something not only being “right” but being custom-made just for her was symbolized by a glass slipper conjured by her fairy godmother. For me, that magical right fit has been Allegheny College.
Before the Fall of last year, I had not heard of this fine institution. However, when the job posting for an assistant professor of religious studies who would contribute to one or more affiliate programs in Black Studies, Community Justice Studies, or Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, crossed my desk, I was uncertain but curious. Thankfully, I had some AMAZING mentors who knew of Allegheny College and could speak positively and confidently about it as a high-caliber liberal arts institution with quality students. Valuing their opinion and loving what I learned about the school through my online research, I applied, and I am so happy I did.
"I fell in love during my interview, and I was elated when I received my job offer."
Fast forward to the present: we are in the middle of a major pandemic that has changed the face of higher education. Although I recognized the seriousness of the College taking the chance to reopen, I was glad that it did. Without hesitation, I decided to teach in-person. It is my first year, and I wanted to be immersed in my new community. Unquestionably, this was the best choice for me. This semester, I teach RESLT 130-New Testament and RELST 180-Religion in American Life. Undoubtedly, I have the best students at Allegheny. They are hardworking, committed, and critically engaged.
As a year, 2020 has been less than desirable. Some days it feels like we lose more than we gain. Allegheny College has been a “positively powerful” gift to me. Not many people get to live their passion. I suspect that even less love what they do. Although I feel for them, I am grateful to say that I love what I do and love where I work.
I am Professor Delgado, and I get to teach Religious Studies at an awesome college that invites me to incorporate my passion topics of race and gender. I have to say, like Cinderella, I have found my glass slipper, and it is a perfect fit!
~~ Dara Delgado (Professor in Philosophy and Religious Studies, Allegheny College)
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