“Me and my friends have all said the same thing, we all want to rewind the year and just do it over again. We lost half of our senior year to this pandemic and it just sucks,
I was looking forward to experiencing the senior spring in High School. I know a lot of other kids are feeling some type of way about being in quarantine, but we just gotta do it for the time being.
I’ve been just taking it day by day, getting my work done and then I just enjoy my time any way I can. I spend most of my time skateboarding and watching Netflix.
When the quarantine first started, I felt I was being forced to stay in for nothing. I was furious that I had to stay inside. While many of my friends hung out and went to parties and guess what, they got the virus. So I’m grateful I stayed inside.
They have all recovered from it and now all I do is make jokes about it. That's all we can really do at this point though.
Funny how the darkest things can suddenly become material for bad but much needed humor.
We all just need to keep our heads high and keep moving whichever way we can.”
~~ Caleb Forland (High School Senior)
For many high school seniors looking to come to Allegheny College, this year is stressful because of all the life changes their families are facing. Please click and donate online so these students can be supported in achieving their dream of going to Allegheny College.