For when your father tells you to go make the mashed potatoes: scream “Bekah, can you come down here and help me with something?”
For when you are calmly awaiting the precise moment your mother says, “Okay kids, time to eat!”: keep your butt firmly situated on the couch and stare at the screen as if you can’t hear the shuffling in the next room.
For when you are all sitting around the dinner table, hands in front of you to pray, mouths dripping with drool from the honey and cinnamon sugar-filled smoke entering your lungs: say “Lord give me strength” fifteen times, keeping your legs from pounding on the floor like Thumper, and only opening your eyes if you hear someone make a move for the marshmallow yams.
For when you find yourself extremely full and can’t seem to move an inch from your chair: a plate full of desserts; a slice of pumpkin and apple pie, vanilla ice cream, a whole pile of whipped cream, and some sweet tea.
For when your adolescent father and annoying younger sister start a pun competition in which the theme is condiments: a cup of cool water and some Advil for the future headaches and throbbing throat. Maybe even a box of Kleenex tissues.
For when it’s time to do the dishes: you and your sister singing to the “Christmas Songs” playlist on your phone; Christmas is All Around Bill Nighy, Do You Hear What I Hear Carrie Underwood, O Holy Night Celine Dion, All I Want For Christmas Is You Mariah Carey, Last Christmas Wham!, When Christmas Comes to Town The Polar Express, Where Are You Christmas Taylor Momsen, Little Drummer Boy Pentatonix.
For when you can’t find anything else to watch on the television: Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and Forrest Gump.
~~ Cassandra Skweres, Class of '24
Inspired by Melissa Ferrone
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